Parent and Educator Coaching
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he shall not depart from it.” ~Proverbs 22:6
I have worked with parents and educators for over 22 years developing the skills necessary to prepare children to launch from their childhood into adulthood. My work in schools and counseling has uniquely equipped me to support adults who are struggling in one or more areas of connection with the children and teenagers in their lives. We will work on setting limits, creating self-responsibility, building empathy in children and adults, developing the necessary elements of nurture, challenge, structure and engagement, navigating school systems, as well as, a variety of other skills and specializations. You tell me what you need to become the parent or care giver who loves children well and I will help you realize it.
- Five one-on-one or co-parenting sessions
- DISC Assessment and analysis for two parents
- Identification of Parenting Style
Contact Me! For more information on working with me, please contact me via email at e[email protected]. I can’t wait to connect!